Bethel School District - print shop online ordering
Click on Log In at the upper right corner to get started,
or click the "green lifesaver" to request your user name and password.
THE PRINT SHOP IS OPEN - M-F 7:30 am- 8 pm.
Please email with questions, special request or an ETA.
Items ordered will be delivered to schools, OR choose PICK UP, and we'll email when ready. The BSA building is locked. For order pick up, ring the bell, or call the number posted on the door and your order will be brought to the door.
- > Turnaround time can vary, based on the number of incoming orders, but the average time right now, for regular copies is 2 to 7 work days. Booklets can take a few days longer. The due date given is not a guarantee.
We can have several hundred orders in queue at any time, so moving an order up in line is not always possible. If you have an absolute deadline, click the "Panic Button" on this page >> and we will try to move the due date up by a few days, if we can.
For fastest service: choose white paper, no booklets, not hole punched. But collate and staple is fine.
If you have a small order, (less than 50 impressions, ie 25 printed 2 sides) it is best to use the small copiers in the school.
** You can upload more than one item on a single order so that the total copies is larger.
Sending your large projects to print shop will save your schools printing budget!
The files uploaded to WebDesk stay on there for about 6 months. (We use an offsite hosted server and we have limited storage space on it.)
However, we save your files to the district's server so we can access them for re-orders.
The tech dept has made the printshop server available, but only within the district (When you are logged into Bethel at school)
To view your print shop folder:
go to MyBethel/Dashboard (district web-site) and choose Printshop Folders (Looks like a manila folder)
The Printshop Folders is a bethel server. The username and password for it are the same as your Bethel email username and password.
To use the printshop folders, you need to be logged into a bethel wifi, (choose bethel403) or "plugged in" at school. (doesn't work from home)
It uses the bethel authentication system or LDAP.
Video Tutorials:
Video tutorial > Regular copies any color paper with options.
Or, click here for a basic, Black & white only copies video
or by phone: 253-800-6763
Print Shop is located in the Bethel Support Annex, at 5410 184th Street E. (off of Canyon Road and 184th.)
Apple/MAC - Troubleshooting Tips
We have had reports that the Safari browser may cause log in difficulties - If you are not able to log in, as you have in the past - try a different browser.
If the things you need printed are saved in Word, or other program formats, SAVE AS PDF before uploading them to WebDesk. Choose publishing quality, if you have the option. This method will save the page with all the fonts and you will get your pages back, just how they look on your screen.
General Log-in trouble: If you have another computer, or even your iPad available, you can try logging in from there. If it works on a different computer, but not the one you first tried, there may be a computer problem or browser problem.
Find your past orders on PRINTSHOP FOLDERS (use FireFox)
Printshop Folders is available through MyBethel, under Support
You MUST use Firefox browser for the Printshop Folders module to let you in.
Helpful Files, Forms and Links:
Want to copy a past order? - Read this first
Q: I am having trouble re-ordering my files from last year. I choose: “Copy Order” from My Orders, but it will not submit because it says I have to choose a stock - but when I click on new stock it says I can't choose a stock.
A: Orders that were emailed in, or sent through the courier appear in your list, but non-web orders will not work for re-orders. Also, Store Orders may be billed as a print order, but will not copy. Non-web orders only contain the name and cost, so there is no data to copy into a new order. If your item was a store order, just go to the store items area and select the item there.
Solution: Enter the order using “Printing Order” and choose stock and other printing details. Future orders of this item will then be available to copy and re-order.
To help clarify what can be re-ordered:
When you click on My Orders, and click on VIEW for one of your past orders - you will see:
Job Name __ Site __ and Order Category __
--- > if the order category reads: "non web order" it can't be copied.
Important: Change your password - but not your name.
The name in your WebDesk profile must match your "official" name on file with the district - so that the billing and location will match up. If you need your last or first name updated - send an email to print shop and our clerk can change it in the program for you. (so it will link to your account properly.)
Not sure how to order something and want to explain it?
Try the question mark icon - under Printing orders. This allows you to upload your file(s) and explain what you want, (include paper type, and how you want it bound or cut or anything.) - then we will figure out the details for you. Useful for complex orders, but you can use it anytime you are stuck.
Using Print Shop Pro to order your printing
After you log in, you can change your password to whatever you want, by clicking on your name at the top right.
Important things to know:
To place an order, click on NEW ORDER at the top of the screen and choose Printing Order.
The first item is Black toner on white paper. This is for white paper copies with no special finishing options.
For color paper, or to add cutting, folding, etc: Choose Regular Copies - or choose booklets, pads, carbon-less, posters, etc, and the paper and bindery choices will be made available on screen, based on your choice.
Ordering Booklets:
When ordering Booklets: Choose the size you want your finished booklet, after folding. EXAMPLE: Choose 8.5x11 size for an 11x17 paper, folded and stapled. -- Two pages print per side, SO, enter your number of pages divided by two, in the number of pages box.
When ordering a booklet with a color paper cover, subtract the cover from the number of pages box. -- The cover is counted separately.
You have billing codes pre-loaded in the program that were assigned to you by your building secretary. You may have just one, default code, but If you have more than one choice, you may need to check with your building secretary if you are unsure of which code is appropriate for your order.
Most orders will be forwarded to your building secretary for budget approval. If you are assigned a CTE, or Special services budget code, your order will go to the respective secretary for budget approval.
We are continuing to update and refine the site, so you may run into some items that are a little quirky. If that happens - almost all the order choices include a SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS box to type a note, so you can let us know what you really want.
If you run into any problems or if you have suggestions and comments please contact the print shop at or call: 800-6763
If you only have paper originals:
If you don’t have an electronic file to attach, use the online order system to start your order online, then send your originals with your printed online job ticket - You will still be able to track your order, once we receive the originals. (job status will change to: in production, then to shipped or completed)
Having trouble logging in? Or need an account?
< Click here, to submit a WebDesk Service Request
Need to change something or cancel your submitted print order?
< Click here, to submit a Change or Rush Request
Click this, if you need to cancel an order, or change something after you submitted the order or need it sooner than the default due date given. Due to limited staff and resources, rushing is not always possible. Thanks for understanding.

Have a question about curriculum orders?

Order Eureka items through the WebDesk Store.
< Click here, to submit a Eureka question

< Order ReadyGEN & TCI Science through the WebDesk Store.
< Printed Teacher Guides web order form.
AmplifyScience Student Workbooks available on the WebDesk Store.
Submitting hard copies using WebDesk.
Print Shop Pro Webdesk automates billing and job tracking. If you only have paper copies to work from, and do not have a way to scan them to yourself, create a job ticket by filling out the Webdesk form, then print out the Job Ticket, attach it to your originals and send them to us through the courier. - Be sure to tell us you are sending in originals, by typing a note in the special instructions, so we know that your pages will be coming.
(You can also use the school copier to scan your originals to yourself, then you can upload them with your order.)
Benefits of Online Ordering
Higher Quality Copies
- Printing from original documents produces
higher quality copies than orders scanned through the copiers.
- Preview a pdf of your document before sending, for accuracy.
Convert files to pdf with Cloud Converter
- The file attachment system converts Word, PowerPoint, Excel and many other file types, to pdf for you. (If you use a Apple/Mac computer, please save your file as a PDF first - the converter often will not work with mac files.)
Faster ordering (from anywhere)
- No long wait at the scanner.
- No need to print out a copy to scan in - just upload your original file.
- View examples of paper stock colors as
you are ordering.
Confirmation of receipt e-mail
- The e-mail contains a link to check the job status.
Know the cost before you send
- The website will generate a price estimate based on your order instructions. (Price is based on information entered and could change if details of the job change.)
- Printing with the Print Shop is much more cost-effective than using school copiers.
Easier to re-order past print jobs
Once you have ordered online and attached your files, you can copy the previous order, make changes if needed and hit send.
To help clarify what can be re-ordered:
When you click on My Orders, and click on VIEW for one of your past orders - you will see:
Job Name __ Site __ and Order Category __
--- > if the order category reads: "non web order" or "Store Order" it can't be copied. You can copy, update and submit any other type of order
Helpful How To Videos
Recommended Links
My Bethel Homepage
BSD WebDesk YouTube Channel
Type your BSD business card info and send it to us
Print Shop WebDesk Service Request